Combating mosquitoes

In Croatia, there are about fifty species of mosquitoes, the most important genera being Anopheles, Aedes and Culex. The tiger mosquito is a daytime active species and it represents a threat to human health because of the ability to carry different ARBO viruses of which the most important one in our area is Dengue virus.

The purpose of combating mosquitoes and their developmental forms is to prevent them from disturbing people in their daily activities. In addition, they often cause allergic reactions on the skin and are potential carriers of infectious agents, which makes their suppression prescribed by law.

They develop in water tanks such as ponds, pools, wells, rainwater barrels, old tires or cans.

The primary effect on the developmental forms of mosquitoes achieves the maximum effect in mosquito control. This is achieved by using insecticidal larvicides (agents that prevent the synthesis of chitin and thus prevent the normal process of coating the larvae) for the treatment of various aqueous aggregates according to the manufacturer's instructions and type, purpose, degree of pollution and depth of water surfaces.

Adulticidal disinsection control of flying mosquitoes is the method of choice as a supplement to the performed larvicidal procedures. We carry it out using state-of-the-art insecticides that drive mosquitoes out of their hiding places and cause them to die. By using water as solvents, they are environmentally friendly, almost odorless, without the risk of fire and the possibility of stains.

You can also help to reduce mosquito population by:

removing or emptying all water tanks in Your yards, gardens, on balconies or terraces

maintain Your gardens and courtyards tidy

cover water storages with a lid or in some other way

fill any pits, puddles and similar holes that could accumulate rainwater or water from other sources.