
House Ant (Lasius sp.)

Appearance: They are brown colored, worker ant is 2.5-4.5 mm long and the queen can reach 9 mm. It has a developed biting apparatus.

Reproduction: Full life cycle lasts 6-10 weeks, life expectancy is 45-60 days and the queen can live for several years, in some species even 15.

Habits and habitat: They are mostly omnivorous, living in the garden, and attracted to our homes primarily by food.

Pharaoh Ant (Monomorium pharaonis)

Appearance: 1.5-2.0 mm long, yellow to red with a dark stripe on the abdomen.

Reproduction: The period from egg laying to the development of a worker takes 38-43 days. The worker lives for approximately 10 weeks and the queen for several years.

Habits and habitat: They prefer sweet, sugary solutions and meat, blood and fats. They nest in warm and humid places. They often infect hospitals and restaurants.