As of January 1, 2009, there has been a legal obligation in the Republic of Croatia to implement it.
According to the Food Hygiene Act and microbiological criteria for food, all food business operators are obliged to harmonize their operations according to the principles of the HACCP system. The application of the HACCP system is not only intended for large production companies, but it should also be implemented by medium and small companies, hotels, restaurants, bakeries, confectioneries, shops and other facilities where food safety is extremely important.
Part of the prerequisite programs for the successful introduction of the HACCP system includes the implementation of disinfection, disinsection and deratization measures.
Since 2010, we have been offering you professional consulting services during the introduction of preventive self-control procedures for food safety, developed in accordance with the principles of the HACCP system, by our engineers, food quality and safety specialists and veterinarians.The implementation of the system to your facility includes: site tour and condition analysis, hazard identification, definition of critical control points, critical limits and corrective measures, development of necessary work instructions, standard procedures and other procedures, development and introduction of necessary records and theoretical and practical training of staff.
Some benefits of implementing this system are:
reduction of foodborne diseases
more efficient food business operations
competitiveness in the world market
more efficient introduction of new technologies and products.
If you have problems regarding rodents, do not hesitate to contact us.