Bed bug control

Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the occurrence of bed bugs. Infected facilities are mostly tourist spots, ie hotels, apartment complexes, hostels or apartments, rooms and other types of private accommodation. We also recorded cases of occurrence in private houses and apartments when tenants traveled to countries where bed bugs are found, and passively transferred bed bugs to their homes by means of transport or personal belongings.

Infestations of objects can be identified by finding adult bedbugs, developmental stages, or based on their characteristic traces of bed bug presence. When inspecting facilities, we regularly educate staff / owners of tourist facilities or residents of private facilities about the biology of this insect, the most common habitats and warn them of prevention measures.

In order to early identify the occurrence of bed bugs in the building it is necessary:

inspect luggage in detail after traveling to countries where bed bug infestation is found

inspect the room in detail, primarily the bed and the area around it between each shift of guests

thoroughly examine and inspect the edges of mattresses and seams on beds or armchairs as these are the most common places where bed bugs hide

find their feces which look like black dots (or black pepper) on mattresses and wooden bed constructions or other furniture

find red blood stains on the sheets because bed bugs feed exclusively on blood during the night.