
Ordinary mosquito (Culex pipiens)

Appearance: Their size is up to 6 mm, they have three pairs of long legs and one pair of wings.

Reproduction: The life cycle occurs in four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The female lays eggs above the water surface. In high summer temperatures, they need only 5-10 days for a full development.

Habits and habitat: It is usually found in human settlements, where it lies eggs in all stagnant waters. Males feed with plant juice and females with blood.

The tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

Appearance: Their 10 mm length makes them medium size mosquitoes. An adult has distinctive white stripes on the body and a silver-white and glossy black scales on its leg joints.

Reproduction: A female lays about 300 eggs in her lifetime. They prefer dark and rough surfaces above water, and old car tires are a particularly suitable place. The speed of development depends on the temperature and nutrients in the water. During the summer temperatures for their full development it takes 7-12 days.

Habits and habitat: They are very aggressive towards humans, animals and other kinds of mosquitoes. Although their original habitats are hollow trees in tropical forests, they have successfully adapted to urban life conditions.