Snake Repellency

One of the most common fears in humans is the fear of snakes. Because of settlements expansion they can often be found near houses and tourist accommodations.

Because of its mild climate, snakes are very widespread in Croatia. There are three poisonous snakes: Nose-horned viper, Adder and Orsini’s viper. All snakes in the Republic of Croatia are protected by law and should not be intentionally injured or killed. It is also forbidden to capture, harass or disturb them.

The first step of snake defense is to keep your yards tidy, to clean up possible places where snakes can crawl into, hide and make a nest. This is accomplished by regularly mowing and removing any piles of stones, construction materials and similar waste. It is very important to perform regular pest control in order to reduce the number of mice and other food sources for snakes.

Nowadays there are also specialized snake repellents you can apply to the area where snakes appear more often. They are safe for human health and the environment, and their specific fragrance repels snakes, so they keep away from treated areas.