Waste management

Ciklon d.o.o. provides services of collection and removal of cooking oil waste and biodegradable waste from the kitchen and canteen to authorized processors, as well as other services of collection, emergency collection, transport and storage of non-hazardous and hazardous waste in accordance with Waste Management Permits.

Disposal of cooking oil waste

Cooking oil waste are all oils produced in the hospitality and tourism industry, industry, crafts, health care, public administration and other activities in which more than 20 meals a day are prepared. Cooking oil waste is classified according to the rules as non-hazardous waste, marked with the key number of waste - KBO 20 01 25.

Those in possesion of cooking oil waste are obliged to collect the waste separately in specially marked containers and not to dispose of other types of waste in them, for example: food residues, paper napkins, cutlery, water, sludge, etc.

Disposal of biodegradable waste from kitchens and canteens

Biodegradable waste from kitchens and canteens, better known as kitchen waste or biowaste, is generated in buildings during food preparation (residues from fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee, egg shells). It is marked with the key number of waste - KBO 20 01 08.

Kitchen waste must be separated from other waste and disposed of in special containers.

Ciklon d.o.o. performs the service of taking over and transporting cooking oil waste and biodegradable waste from kitchens and canteens to authorized processors.

When concluding the contract, we deliver a sufficient number of impermeable, properly marked containers with the stated key number of waste (KBO) free of charge. We adjust the dynamics of removal to the needs of our customers, during which we replace full containers with empty, clean containers (cleaning at our expense).

For our clients, we create and certify the Accompanying Sheet for collected waste.

In cooperation with our business partner, we offer the service of cleaning grease separators with special vacuum tanks and disposal of collected waste - KBO 19 08 09.

Disposal of hazardous waste

We collect and transport to authorized processors and disposers of some type of hazardous waste such as: motor oil waste, packaging contaminated with hazardous substances, absorbents and filter materials, oily water and emulsions, bilge oils, oil filters, toners etc.