
House mouse (Mus musculus)

Appearance: Body length is about 6.5-8 cm. Its back is slightly darker brown then the abdomen.

Reproduction: Females give birth to 6-10 young, 3-4 times a year. They live approximately 2 years.

Habits and habitat: They largely reside in human settlements, gardens and the edges of fields and forests. They build large nests out of various materials, rarely drink water and feed with corn, sunflower seeds, and sometimes food of animal origin.

Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Appearance: It is 21.4-27.3 cm long with a 17.2-22.9 cm long tail. It is brownish to gray with white patched abdomen.

Reproduction: Females give birth to 7-8 offspring, 3-7 times a year. Their lifespan is 3-4 years.

Habits and habitat: They select damp places, such as basements and sewer. They like to swim and dive, and they are also diggers. Their nests are under ground where they store large food supplies. They are omnivorous.

Black rat (Rattus rattus)

Appearance: It is gentler and more slender than brown rat. Its head and body are 5.8-23.5 cm long, with the tail of 18.6-25.6 cm in length. The colour of its fur is mostly gray-black.

Reproduction: Females have 6-10 young, 3-6 times per year. They live for about 3 years.

Habits and habitat: It inhabits warm and dry places in buildings and barns, and builds nests in narrow shelters. It never digs nor swims but is an excellent climber. It feeds with fresh and dried fruits and various herbs.